Adam smashing it in the Newbury Velo Race
The team have turned their attentions to Zwift racing during the lockdown, to keep sharp and still get their competitive fix. They’ve been competing in a variety of different events over the last few weeks and been enjoying the indoor pain.
Adam, Ryan and Keeds have competed in several of the Lotus League ‘WKG - Critty Critty Bang Bang’ crit series on Tuesday evenings and have had some great results. This event has been a great focus for local riders with the SCRS / Lotus League adopting the race as their weekly ‘virtual’ event.
Bec has been focusing on TT’s on Zwift, and is basically winning every ladies’ event she now enters. She is absolutely flying, and will be a force to be reckoned with when the racing starts back up in real life again.
Lucy has been putting in some regular race efforts as well, and has seen some really impressive power gains and results, and Rob continues his addiction to early morning Zwift racing and has now completed over 200 Zwift races. Lee has also managed to race a little more regularly than usual, and this consistency has resulted in a meteoric rise to the ‘A’ category.
The variety of courses and events available now on Zwift makes it a lot of fun, so if you haven’t tried Zwift racing already we highly recommend giving it a go.